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  • Is it legal to put a bracelet with a voice sensor (recorder) on a child at daycare?
    From a legal point of view, there is no restriction of bringing a recorder into the daycare if the person who did it is the legal guardian of the child (mostly the parent), and the child himself is a "partner" during the recorded situation. However, the bracelet will be programmed to record only at times when continuous stress or extreme distress is detected.
  • Is it safe for babies and toddlers?
    The bracelet meets the standards suitable for baby and children's products according to the European standard that is also used in Israel. The bracelet is made of a safe material and designed to handle biting, pulling and chewing, without parts that pull out or fall apart, and is resistant to water (spit, spilled water, washing hands). The clasp of the bracelet has an internal mechanism that can only be opened by the understanding of an adult using both hands, so that the child cannot remove it by himself.
  • And what if the caregiver decides to take the bracelet off the child?
    If the bracelet is removed from the child's hand, the parent will receive an immediate notification on the mobile phone.
  • What if the caregiver does not agree that my child will enter the daycare with this bracelet?
    A caregiver that understands the advantage and really has nothing to hide, wouldn't refuse. The daycare will benefit from the restoration of trust between them and the parents, who will not have to make surprise visits or peek out the windows.
  • What about radiation? Isn't it dangerous?
    The bracelet is in standby mode at all time, unless it detects abnormal distress. In that case it will broadcast out to the parent. Also, if the parent decides to check on how the child is doing, they will be able to connect remotely and see the status. Either way, it's no more than a few minutes a day.
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